Closet Decluttering Ideas to Maximize Space and Keep Wardrobe Tidy

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When Michael Jackson said, “Keep it in the closet,” he didn’t mean to hoard everything.

The closet may hold a lot of secrets, but there are a few things that just aren’t meant to stay there for long.

No matter the size of your closet, decluttering can be a tad bit challenging, especially if you are doing it after a long time.

Good news for you!

I have created a list of closet decluttering ideas and tips that will transform your wardrobe into a spacious storage space.

You will be surprised how simple some of these are, yet they are most often overlooked.

Read on to learn more and be ready to declutter your closet like never before!

how to declutter closet


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Genius Closet Decluttering Ideas

When your closet feels like a maze of forgotten pieces and mismatched items, a little strategic decluttering can make a world of difference.

Imagine opening your closet to see only the pieces you love and outfits that make you feel amazing.

Following smart closet decluttering ideas will help you create a space that’s not only organized but inspiring.

Let’s dive into clever, satisfying ways to bring order to your wardrobe chaos.

Take Out Everything

There is no point in organizing anything when you cannot see everything.

The things at the back will stay there forever if you keep rotating the items at the front.

Before decluttering, remove everything from the closet and make piles.

Sort out clothes from accessories. Gather undergarments and other personal products in one place.

This alone should take a couple of hours and there is no need to hurry.

Take your time because, by the end of the day, you should have an organized mess that will be sorted out later.

closet decluttering

Also read:

Easy decluttering tips.

How to start micro-decluttering.

One Year Rule

The one-year rule should help you get your nerves together after you have created the pile of everything that needs to be decluttered.

Take a piece of clothing and try to remember if you have worn it in the past year. If not, it goes in the donation box.

You can include your kids in this fun activity and ask them if they have seen you wearing it.

Make separate boxes for each type of clothing so that it is easier to get things done further.

Ask 4 Questions

Another great approach to decluttering a wardrobe is to ask yourself the following four questions and the answers will determine the fate of the thing in question:

  1. Do you wear it? This is quite obvious. No point in holding on to things that you don’t wear at all.
  2. When did you wear it last? Try to think of the time when you wore it last. If it’s taking you too long to remember, it is time to let that thing go.
  3. Do you love it? This is where your sentiments might get the best of you, but we can deal with them later. Keep it if you love it otherwise, throw it in the box to donate or sell.
  4. Does it fit? Ill-fitting clothes only take up space in your closet. You might have hopes of getting in shape again but sometimes it is okay to embrace the change your body has gone through and let some clothes go.
closet decluttering tips

By asking yourself these questions, you have already done a major part of decluttering.

These questions can further be expanded as you go through your things. Remember, it is your wardrobe, and you can be as flexible as you want.

Capsule Wardrobe

This term may be new to you but people have been using it unintentionally for long.

A capsule wardrobe is one that does not need you to have 10 dozen dresses – a few basic items of clothing would be enough for you to create a decent outfit for the day.

A rule of 5 is often implemented when organizing a capsule wardrobe.

It states that you can have 5 of every clothing item – 5 tops, 5 pants, 5 casual shirts, and so on.

These clothes are meant to be paired with each other depending on the occasion and necessity.

If the concept of a capsule wardrobe seems too daunting for you, you don’t have to worry.

It is just one idea among the sea of organization ideas; you just have to explore some more.

capsule wardrobe

Donate or Sell

At this point of organizing your closet, you must have filled several boxes of clothes that you haven’t worn in a year.

Assuming you have made a separate box of faulty items and the ones we are talking about are all in good condition.

Consider donating these boxes to the less fortunate. Or even sell the expensive ones in online thrift stores.

You’ll be surprised how many will take up these preloved clothes (thanks to brutal economy).

Something that can be of good use to someone is far better than lying around uselessly.

donate and sell

Seasonal Rotation

While this idea is not entirely new, it can be a game-changer for many.

Most people have a closet filled with clothes for all seasons in one place.

But this only contributes to the mess and creates untidy storage space.

Consider storing the out-of-season clothes away for the time being. Dedicate a big trunk or storage bag for the things that you know you won’t wear for some months.

You’ll be surprised by the space this idea will free up.

One In, One Out

This is one of those ideas that you can implement all year long.

Whenever you buy a new item for your closet; be it a clothing item or an accessory, take the oldest or the least used out.

This strategy may not be applied to everything but for regular clothing items, it is a perfect way to keep your wardrobe decluttered.

closet decluttering tips

Reverse Hanger Method

This is a genius idea that is guaranteed to always work.

What you need to do is keep your hang clothes in reverse hangers. When you take out a clothing item, only then hang it again in the correct way.

After a couple of months, you will realize which clothes are still in reverse hangers.

Give those clothes a couple of more months and if they are still in the same position, it is time to pack them up and give them to someone needy.

Leave Sentiments Behind

We humans let our emotions take the best of us in ways we don’t even know.

We love holding on to things that have sentimental value – that jacket your dad gave you, that pair of gloves your grandmother knit, the jumper your mother got you in fifth grade.

While I appreciate acknowledging feelings, it is not always wise to keep things that only eat up space in your closet.

You can find another way of keeping the memory safe like putting these gloves in a frame and hang on the wall or simply passing down the jumper to one of your kids.

In any case, it is best to keep sentiments aside when organizing your wardrobe so that you can maximize storage.

Wrapping Up

A beautifully decluttered closet isn’t just about tidiness; it’s about creating a space that feels joyful and inspiring every time you open the doors.

By sorting clothing items you truly love and organizing them in a way that reflects your style, you’re giving yourself a sense of calm.

With a closet that feels light, organized, and uniquely yours, getting ready becomes a delightful.

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closet decluttering ideas


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